一度赞 Instant Noodles
Wifey and her colleages has just shipped a huge stock of instant noodles back from ROC (several cartons of the stuff apparently!). Apparently, this brand is a hot favourite among our soldiers who go up there for training.
We tried one yesterday morning for breakfast and it brought back memories over ten years ago. At that time I was in ROC and we sneaked out of the camp to the provision shop across the road and had instant noodles! The noodles were the same, springy and it came with a super spicy soup (great on a cold ROC morning!) and authentic tasting chunks of stewed beef. Oh yes, and the shop assistant was real "chio" too!
Bon Appetite! Food_
Afternote: As with all "instant" stuff, try to eat only as occasional snack!
Eh..Kooshie. So you remember the noodles because of the "chio" shop assistant ?
You are doing injustice to the "delicious" noodles.
I used to eat a lot of this until:
1. It turned out to be very expensive and;
2. I was dropping a lot of hair.
Cactus: I can't remember how "chio" she looked but I remember it was one of the motivation to go get more noodles.
Ivn: Remember to eat in moderation and don't drink the soup!
Alas, it is too late for me. Save yourselves!
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