It's been about 2 weeks since our new neighbours moved in to the unit on our right which has been empty for some time. This is the third family in that unit. They are a family with 2 kids and a maid.
The yard of this unit is direcly facing ours so we can see each other in the yard. They can also see us when we are in our kitchen if they are in their yard.
Other than the maid incident in my previous entry, there are some other observations that is somewhat freaking us out.
1. The father is ALWAYS semi naked (i.e. topless) in the house.
2. The maid is kinda freaky, many times she will "suddenly" appear in their yard and seem to be staring at us.
3. The father, mother and maid seems to spend a lot of time in the yard area, compared to the previous 2 families which were there before. Whenever we are in the kitchen, someone is sure to be there on the other side.
To safeguard our privacy, we went to IKEA Megastore today to buy some new blinds. I got some new silver venetian blinds to replace the roman blinds in the study room, and some cheap "anti-social" :-) wicker blinds for the yard.
The study room looks much better now. It's got kind of a corporate look at night when the blinds are open to reveal the full height windows with the HDB/Condo "skyscrapers" outside.
As for the yard, the cheapo $5 wicker blinds totally CMI. They are basically almost see through type. What we have decided to do is to go to the DIY store tomorrow to buy some frosted window film to stick on the window glass in the yard. Think that would work better without being too conspicuous about preserving our privacy.
Free wicker blinds, any takers?