With barely 5 hours of sleep last weekend, boy were we glad to see the hired weekend domestic help last Sunday. We arranged to have about 4 hours of help every weekend to clean up the house and do the ironing. The rates were S$15 per hour.
The lady assigned to us was quite nice, and she stayed just a few blocks away. The first 4 hours were supposed to be doing vacumming, mopping and ironing the clothes. However, there were so much dust tucked away in all the corners of our house that it took her 5 hours to clean up on Sunday, excluding ironing. In fact, she came back on Tuesday to complete the rest.
So far, a total of 10 hours have gone into cleaning up our place and I must say it is really very clean now. Even the day curtains are white, not grey! Tomorrow will be cleaning time again. This time, we are going to limit her to 4 hours (told her we are going out) cos there is probably still lots to clean. Better to spread it out over the next few weeks.