Time Flies ...
The past 2 weeks have gone by in a blur. It's 11pm now and I intend to catch up on some much needed sleep after this blog entry while the little guy is still having his nap. Anyway, he will be 2 months old tomorrow, how time flies.
Some milestones/events that has been achieved these last 2 weeks:
1. Started the daily routine of fetching Cayden and Wifey to in-law's place in the morning and then back after work. This will be the de-facto routing after Wifey starts work.
2. Cayden has learnt to "talk" to people who "talk" to him.
3. Cayden has also almost doubled his weight since birth. He is now just over 6kg. He can now take on the title of "Michelin Man".
4. Cayden has also taken a liking to sleeping in the sarong cradle, so his other nickname is "Sarong Boy"... so guess who is the "Sarong Man".
5. The new car has travelled 1000km and its time for its first service.
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