
The Little Princes

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 28, 2008


This is another cool plugin if you are using FireFox. Makes blogging much more convenient and faster. However, it used DIV for formatting which I don't like because it is inconsistent with the rest of my pages.

(Published via ScribeFire plugin for Firefox 3.0, edited to remove DIV tags)


If you are always viewing images from Flickr, Google Image Search, Facebook photos or even YouTube videos, this is one of the coolest plugins to get!

Check it out at

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

KooshLog: Goodbye Bubbles

KooshLog: Goodbye Bubbles

I think I've had it.

Today the car stopped (gearbox error) at a busy junction while I was about to go for a right turn. After fiddling for 3-4 minutes with the hazard light on, it managed to move off and later nearly stopped (gearbox error but manage to recover) when nearing the entrance to the CTE. Quickly dived into a carpark and it stopped again (gearbox error) just as I was reversing into the lot!! (I was half in the lot with the nose of the car sticking out) Couldn't push the car in also, cos the lot was a bit of an upslope. Took another 5 minutes before the car could move and reverse properly into the lot.

After all the "excitement", went to have a super late lunch (2:30pm) at a nearby coffee shop. Had cheap Lor Mee and Lime Juice accompanied by several pigeons (who were walking around picking food off the ground ... :-| ).

Decided to wait for the car to cool down so did some work in the car till 3:40pm. Took the route to the closest Expressway entrance. Once on the Expressway, its pretty safe cos its 5th gear all the way.

Anyway, the car has been stripped just now of all its good I.C.E. (In-Car Entertainment) and replaced with a cheapo S$60 used head unit. (I can work part-time as a car audio installer liow ...) It is now grounded and will only be used to drive down to trade-in for the new car.

Taxi ... !

Monday, June 23, 2008

Growth Tracking

For those who want to really track their children's growth closely, WHO (not who, but the World Health Organisation) provides an application called WHO Anthro. This application is basically for healthcare/social workers who need to track the growth of multiple children. It can produce charts and also tell you if your child's development falls within the "norm" of WHO standards.

You can download the application and manual HERE. Get the one for the PC. If you like, there is even one version for PDAs.

I'm using it to track Cayden's development.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Goodbye Bubbles

The C3's SensoDrive gearbox, once the selling point of the car is now its Achille's heel. It is highly unpredictable nowadays. Sometimes it goes well for days, other times, I will get stuck at junctions and carparks more than once a day.

Its very frustrating to not know when the problem will come, and every journey is am unknown. We had also sent the car in for servicing and the agent couldn't find anything wrong with the SensoDrive. Being the agents, solving the problem would probably mean replacing the entire gearbox, which will cost a bomb.

In the end, we decided to trade in the C3 to save on the unpredictable frustration (safety reason also) and get a more reliable car. After checking out various models, we decided on the Lancer EX GT. Will post some pics next week if I can collect it by then.

Weekend Domestic Help

With barely 5 hours of sleep last weekend, boy were we glad to see the hired weekend domestic help last Sunday. We arranged to have about 4 hours of help every weekend to clean up the house and do the ironing. The rates were S$15 per hour.

The lady assigned to us was quite nice, and she stayed just a few blocks away. The first 4 hours were supposed to be doing vacumming, mopping and ironing the clothes. However, there were so much dust tucked away in all the corners of our house that it took her 5 hours to clean up on Sunday, excluding ironing. In fact, she came back on Tuesday to complete the rest.

So far, a total of 10 hours have gone into cleaning up our place and I must say it is really very clean now. Even the day curtains are white, not grey! Tomorrow will be cleaning time again. This time, we are going to limit her to 4 hours (told her we are going out) cos there is probably still lots to clean. Better to spread it out over the next few weeks.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Cayden's 1st Month

Although officially Cayden's 1st month is on 14th June 2008, we decided to hold it a week earlier as the confinement nanny will be going back before that (we need all the help we can get!)

Anyway, we had two (yes 2!) first month affairs, one for the in-laws and one for my own. It was held across the weekend and we kept it simple mainly family events to keep logistics to a minimum.

Pictures from Saturday can be viewed HERE. (The 3rd party battery for the IXUS850 died after taking one shot at in-laws place, so had to rely on someone else camera ... so only 1 photo for Sunday)