New Year's Eve 2007 / New Year's 2008
For the past 3 weeks, there was lots of binge-ing, gifts and chocolates! Now, we're reaching near the year end celebrations. In fact, its going to be a brand new year in about 30 minutes. So first of all, let me start of by wishing one and all a Happy Brand Spanking New 2008!
While some are with friends at countdown parties and others are chilling out at home with family, I'm here at my computer updating this blog. For the past few years, New Year's has been spent with Wifey. Today, its no different, just that Wifey has already gone to bed. :-D I guess its real tiring being pregnant + spending one whole day shopping!
I'm not much of a resolution maker so this year, its going to be simple, stay healthy and try to be a good dad in the latter part of the year ... hehe!
As for wishes for 2008:
1. Good health and happiness for my family and all my frens.
2. Healthy mom and baby in May 2008.
3. More great business deals and bonuses!
The countdown's starting soon, so CHEERS to a brand new year! *POP*