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Monday, January 15, 2007

A Friend's Wedding - Part 1

I arrived promptly at 0630hrs. The wedding wagon was outside but there was no sign of the groom. The house was still mostly dark. Calls to his mobile phone were redirected to voice mail. The gate was locked so I couldn't let myself in. A quick check with the wedding driver revealed that he has only just woken up. :-D

Waited outside and finally found him at around 0650hrs. Then I managed to get hold of a handwritten copy of the itinerary for this morning.

Luckily, everything went pretty smoothly today. (The only exception was the super hot chili laced bun which we had to help the groom finish to get through the door of the bride's home.) Basically, we went to fetch the bride, took photos at Pierce Reservoir and had the church wedding.

FYI, no I didn't lose the rings to Gollum. :-P During the ceremony, the priest was so liberal with the holy water when blessing the rings that he splashed some on me. Maybe that was part of the ritual, bless the ring bearer and make sure he is not the devil or a vampire ... oh well, so much for my Tarot reading.

After that it was back to his home and finally to the bride's place again for the only tea ceremony of the day. Anyway, still had time to visit the "hair spa" before going home to change the water in the fish tank ... bleah!

Part 2 coming soon.