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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Trip Preparation

Just dropped Wifey off at the airport. Her flight is at 2350hrs so should be in the air by now. Another few more days it will be my turn. Most of my stuff is already packed in a haversack, just left with the toiletries and some electronics.

Wifey is a "lister", so I got a list of chores to do tomorrow. She also listed down stuff which I have yet to pack. Hmmm, better keep the list properly and not lose it. (It is kinda freaky that my horoscope for Feb 3 also talks about planning for upcoming trips and making lists!)

Hopefully there will be free wireless Internet access somewhere near the hotel for me to post daily updates to this blog through the PDA. If not, there will be silence till I am back on Valentine's Day ... :-)


Anonymous said...

I share the same sentiments; it seems that all women of Cantonese descent are persistent makers of lists.